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2711 Main #114
Houston, TX


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Introduction to Art Journaling
Saturday, March 29, 10 AM til 1 PM
in Ann’s Studio at 2711 Main St. in Midtown Houston

Do you want to learn easy painting techniques for color, pattern & texture?

Do you want a safe, criticism-free place to make art for yourself?

Do you want to learn how to wake up your creative right brain
and get her to help you find answers to prblems & challenges?

Do you feel like something is missing in your life?
...Like there is never time for you?

Join me in my gloriously lighted studio in Midtown Houston.

I'll share all my visual journaling techniques & my supplies.
I'll provide you with a Strathmore Mixed Media Journal.
You'll have fun connecting with your own creativity, making art for yourself,
& exploring the joy and the power of visual journaling.


Are you a frustrated artist or writer who has delayed your own dreams,
and now you just want to begin, even if it's one page at a time? Or 5 minutes at a time?

This class is for you if you answered "yes" to any of the above questions.

Register now to reserve your space.

I'll make it easy & fun for you to begin art journaling.  

What you'll receive in this class:
1 Your own mixed media blank journal
2 Use of my paints, brushes, tools & embellishments in class
3 A comfortable space to work, with glorious lighting and flowing music & creativity
4 A demonstration of techniques I use for backgrounds and page enhancements
5 Insights into how to ask questions to get the best results from your art journaling
6 My help if you want it during class.

If you already have a journal you want to use, you may bring it. You will still receive a journal from me. You can use it when you fill your current journal, or you may gift it.

Your $85 investment in this class will open doors to art & spiritual adventure that will enrich your life, boost your happiness level, & reduce your stress.
You are worth it. Say yes to yourself.

Sign up & pay through PayPal, even if you don't have a PayPal account. 

                                 I am PayPal verified. Your information is secure.   verification_seal.gif (4593 bytes)


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This is a page from one of my journals. The dancing fairies came from one of my sketchbooks. The conductor and music were found images...I made major changes to a random picture to portray the conductor. The boarding pass  came from one of my trips. I enhanced it to represent a magical trip soon after I saw the new Alice in Wonderland 3D movie.

You will learn how to compose your own imaginative, inspiring images, even if you can't draw.

Art Journaling, also called Visual Journaling, is a powerful technique we can use to communicate with our deep inner consciousness.

Carl Jung said "The soul speaks in images."

You do not need to be an artist to practice visual journaling, although many artists use it as a rich resource.

Your visual journal is a visual diary. It is meant for your own eyes...although you may choose to share parts of it.

You can color pages with paint and pattern to set a mood. Add pictures or photos that "speak" to you.
Since this is for your eyes only, you can use images from magazines or newspapers or books...or your own photos (without concern over copyright).
You may paint over parts you don't want to include...tear them up...reassemble them.
You may write on them...

The idea is to communicate with your deepest heart...your soul...your subconscious.

What you'll learn in this Visual Journaling Class will transform your life.

Beauty is not necessary for a visual journal, although you may make it beautiful if you choose. I like for my journal to be beautiful so that it inspires me again every time I look at it.

For best results, work in your journal daily for a few minutes if you can. But even if you can't work in your journal regularly, your creative right brain will be processing your questions and developing ideas for you.

If this class is calling to you, use the convenient "Add to Cart" button to register & pay online.
If you have any problem registering, call me or send me an email.

                                      I am PayPal verified. Your information is secure.        verification_seal.gif (4593 bytes)

You can paint pages with your favorite colors.
The act of painting will help you get in touch with your soul.

A visual journal is an easy non-threatening way to begin to learn to paint, even if you have never held a brush.

If you are an experienced artist, you may use your journal pages to try out new painting techniques.

You'll see how easy & how much fun it is.

You can add ribbons to make your journal feel like fun.

You can make a cover to personalize it even more.

You can make pockets or add envelopes in which to tuck precious bits, notes & photos...
or whatever else you want to keep in this special place...perhaps a quotation
...or a secret wish that you aren't yet ready to recognize by actually writing it on a page.
Many important events in our lives begin as a secret wish. Write it down & tuck it in your journal.

If you use your journal for intimate discussions that you don't want to share,
but you think you may want to show your journal, you can paint over the confidential entries,
so they aren't visible. You still receive all the benefits of the process.

You can use your visual journal to explore goals or alternate paths, to resolve problems and more.
You can even use your visual journal to choose a vacation spot or design your garden...or the life you WANT.
The choice of how to use this tool is yours.I'm introducing you to the techniques and the power.

I have used the visual journaling process for many years in my own live.

I'm excited to share the power of visual journaling with you.

Some of the things I'll demonstrate you'll learn in this class are:

  • ways to color your pages

  • gluing techniques

  • lettering

  • hiding parts of images by painting over

  • making pockets to hold secret wishes & messages

Then you'll paint and work in your own journal.

I make this so simple that you will have boatloads of fun.

You can choose to create samples of the various techniques in your journal
OR simply work in your journal using as many or as few of the techniques as you like.

This class is suitable for everyone who wants to experience the power of visual journaling,
whether they have ever made art before or not. The simple techniques I teach transfer easily to art-making.

If you are an experienced artist, you will incorporate your own techniques into your journal.

Classes are suitable for beginners because I demonstrate and explain simple steps.

Classes are suitable for more advanced painters because you will find your own way of interpreting what you learn

Your soul will thank you for a new dose of artistic inspiration.

Regardless of your level of art experience,you will enjoy this class as you experience the power of visual journaling.

If this class is calling to you, indulge yourself & sign up now.

The beginning of a new year is a PERFECT time to begin your visual journal.

Register online using the button below. You don't need a PayPal account.

For only $85, you'll have fun making art AND you'll learn to a powerful new tool for self exploration.

                I am Paypal verified. Official PayPal Seal

Or email artist@AnnBell                                                              Tell a friend about this class!


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Does this image speak to your heart?

Imagine the power of images you consciously select, draw for your self, or choose from your own existing art!


Houston artist Ann Bell is a painter whose tranquil landscapes encourage a closer connection with nature. Bell has a wealth of tools and techniques available to filter though her own experience and vision, enabling her to create memorably unique paintings. She has been a full-time professional artist for over 30 years, showing and selling her paintings through galleries, juried shows, festivals, and her own studio. Her work can be found in private collections throughout the United States and worldwide. Ann is the author of the forthcoming book 101 Ways to Increase Your Creativity, Reduce Your Stress & Have More Fun.

If you have questions about the class, please email artist@AnnBell



All images are copyrighted by the artist, Ann Schentrup Bell ©2003-2009.  For purchase or licensing information, please contact Ann Bell at 281-330-3827 or contact. Please do not copy or   use these images without permission. This site is updated regularly. If you notice an error or a link that doesn't work, please send me a message. Thanks.