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2711 Main #114
Houston, TX


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THE BUSINESS OF ART -- A Home Study class for artists

Are You Ready to Gain More Exposure and Increase your Art Sales
Without Spending A Lot of Money...and Still Have Plenty of Time to Create?

This class contains the information you easy-to-understand form.

As a self-supporting professional artist for over 30 years, I have learned
          how to sell my paintings by myself, without an agent or a gallery,
          how to price work fairly and
          how to get publicity.

I share this valuable information with you in this class.

Read more comments by artists who took my class.                           See my credentials.

You can purchase the Workbook & 4 Audio CDs through Paypal on this page.
If you want to order by mailing a check, instructions are at the bottom of the page.

If you want to take a class in person click Business Classes in Ann Bell's Studio.
If you want to order one of my Audio CDs go to Ann's Artist Marketing CDs

Do you want to learn to Market your art MORE effectively?

Are you confused about why you need a web site?
Would you like to know how to get one inexpensively?
Are you puzzled about how to register your domain name?
Do you want to learn how to write press releases?
…& how to use them to get free publicity??

Do you agonize over pricing your work? Would you like to know how to determine what your prices need to be, in order to cover your costs and pay you for your time?

Do you know how to find the people who are most likely to be interested in purchasing your art?

 Do you need more information to feel confident about promoting and selling your art?

PERHAPS you need my Business of Art Class

The Business of Art…How to Make Your Art Support You.

Are you working full time, struggling to find time & energy to paint?
Are you dreaming of the day you can quit your day job,
Paint full time, & let your art support you?
You can hasten the arrival of that day by learning what to do.
I’m a working artist who has been supporting myself with my art since 1972.
In this class I reveal my secrets of HOW I do it.
You’ll learn ways to get a website inexpensively…one that you can update yourself.
You’ll learn how to get people to visit it.
You’ll learn how to sell online & how to pick the way that will work best for you.

You’ll learn how to find the right price for your art so you will cover all expenses,
including your time. Because if you aren’t paid for your time, you’ll need that JOB.

You’ll learn how to decide what gallery to approach

            & what to do if you don’t get in.

You’ll learn other ways to show & sell your art.
You’ll learn how find potential collectors of your art
…& how to keep in contact with them and with your collectors.

You’ll learn how to get free publicity that is far more valuable than any advertising.

I will not tell you that all of this is easy or simple.
But if you know what to do and you do any part of it,
you will be far ahead of where you are now.
You will have a real advantage over artists who do not know what to do.

This class provides the step by step plan for you to begin marketing your art effectively and with confidence.

  • Take the class & learn what to do.
  • Follow the plan. Take the steps one-at-a-time, as you can.
  • Watch your art income grow.
  • When you have enough art income, you can quit the day job

I’m the only working artist who is sharing information about selling & pricing art.
I also include valuable information about how to get free publicity.

If you want to learn these things, you can learn them in my Business of Art Class.

In this class I have broken marketing down into easy steps you can effortlessly follow to start selling your art.

 Knowledge is power, but it is elusive and hard to gain, so take advantage of mine.

My best opportunities come to me through my web site.
Wouldn’t you like to be able to say the same?

You can get access to this essential information by clicking on this button.

Your account will be charged $147 for  Art Business Class (bonuses included)
plus $10 for USPS Priority Mail to any United States address.
Sales tax will be added if the items are shipped to a Texas address.

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The price for this WORKBOOK & 4 audio CDs is only $147.
plus $10. for USPS Priority Mail  to any United States address.
Sales tax will be added if the items are shipped to a Texas address.
Your order will be shipped within 72 hours after your payment clears.

Bonus Offer: for a limited time, I will include:
*Bonus #1: 3 CD set recorded in an actual class. Many different times I taught this material to artists who came to my studio. The 3 hour class was never long enough to cover all of the material in the workbook. To give you a flavor of being in the class, I am including these actual class recordings from the January class.

*Bonus #2: You will receive 6 months membership in the online support group where I answer questions asked by people who have taken the class. You will receive your invitation to join the group when you email me that you have read the material or listened to the 4 CDs which accompany the workbook.

P.S. These bonuses can go away at any time. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, act now!   Click the "Add to Cart" button, to buy with Paypal.

As a self-supporting professional artist for over 30 years, I have learned
          how to sell my paintings by myself, without an agent or a gallery,
          how to price work fairly and
          how to get publicity.

I share this valuable information with you in this class.

Read more comments by artists who took my class.                           See my credentials.

You can benefit from my experience:

  • I give you exactly the information you need...
  • You  make the choices that are right for you.
  • I show you the steps to take.
  • You begin with the steps that feel right to you.
  • AND I provide a way for you to ask me questions and receive answers after the class is over.

The WORKBOOK  that you will receive contains all the information from the class that I have been teaching in my Houston studio. If you were not able to take the class, you can still benefit from the information. You will learn:
1. How to get your web site for a minimum cost and effort
2. What name to use for the site
3. How to get people to visit your site
4. How to write a press or media release (including template and examples)
5. How to increase your visibility to the world
6. How to know at what price you need to sell your art, in order to make a profit

The 4 Audio CDs that you will receive contain the same information as the workbook.

  • If you listen to them as you drive, or as you work, the information goes into your subconscious.
  • The steps become much more familiar.
  • They begin to feel easier
  • Before you know it, you are easily including the first steps in your routine.

Do you want to learn how to boost your visibility and increase your success?

Do you want to learn how to put the internet and free publicity to work for you?

Do you want to learn easy and effective ways to get people to visit your web site.

This class will increase your knowledge, your skill, and your comfort level with the internet and publicity.
Even if you are already promoting yourself, you will learn to promote more effectively.

Knowledge is power. Are you ready to get the knowledge you need?

If your answer is "yes," you can buy this class now. Just click the button below.
Only $147 + $10 USPS Priority Mail shipping to any United States address.
Your order will be mailed within 72 hours after your payment clears.
Sales tax will be added if the items are shipped to a Texas address.

Knowledge + Inspiration + Action = Success

Do you fantasize
         that an agent or a gallery will somehow find you?
         recognize how talented you are ?
         and beg to be allowed to represent you--to sell everything you can create?

I admit... it is a pleasant fantasy...but it can not happen if you are quietly working in your own studios, invisible to the world.

Would you like to gain power...and increase your level of taking responsibility for your own career?
Do you want to learn how to promote yourself--to make others aware of you and your art--using the power of the internet AND the power of free publicity?

By making yourself visible to the world, you enable opportunities to find you.

Read more comments by artists who took my class.                           See my credentials.

I am NOT promising the fantasy. What this class teaches you is REAL. If you take the actions, you will experience REAL RESULTS.

  • This class shows clearly the steps you need to take.
  • And it helps you see how to take them.
  • You can take one simple step at a time.
  • Each step you take helps you feel more confident.

EVERY STEP in this class deals directly  with PROMOTING AND SELLING YOUR ART!

YOU DECIDE which steps you want to take first. Choose the steps that feel comfortable to you. 
Some of the steps are so easy that you could already be doing them, if you knew what they were.

Are you ready to take control of your art sales?  This class provides the essential information.

Sheila Conner, participant in my December class, went home and took action. She has built an awesome web site.

Sheila, thank you for sharing. I know you will inspire other artists by sharing your process of working through the overwhelm. When a task feels huge, we each tend to think it is beyond our abilities. But by breaking it down and taking one step at a time, we can complete any task...just like eating that elephant.

Sheila Conner

Sheila said:
"When I took Ann's Business of Art class last December, I felt so intimidated!  After all, I'm an artist, not a business woman.  And there was so much information!  I must admit, I left feeling a little overwhelmed.

BUT I decided to begin like you do when you eat an elephant--one bite at a time!  I began reading  through the notebook (a BIG help) and doing little things, like getting a URL address. 

Each time I took a step and succeeded, my confidence rose. 

The key is to just START. 

Within a month, I had a web site up and running, business cards and postcards in hand, and now, a photo blog---all because Ann told me I could, and gave me good tools to work with!  If I can do it, anyone can do it!"

Sheila made excellent use of the information I provided in class and in the workbook!

Like Sheila said, the workbook is a BIG help. You don't have to remember anything. Using the workbook, you take one step at a time, at your own pace. If you get confused or have a question, you can email me and I will provide help. "START" is the magic word. If you do not start, nothing happens!

And IF you don't know where to start, or what to do next, nothing is likely to happen.

Are you ready to stack the cards in your favor by getting the information you need?

Your WEB SITE and your PUBLICITY work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, while you are creating, and while you are sleeping--but ONLY if you set them up so they can work.

This class (Workbook and Audio CDs) simplifies the business side of art. It provides the information for you to use whenever you need it.

Learning something so new and different can be intimidating. Even the words are strange.
Having someone explain it makes learning easier...more comfortable.

You will learn:

1. How to get your web site for a minimum cost and effort
2. What name to use for the site
3. How to get people to visit your site
4. How to write a press or media release (including template and examples)
5. How to increase your visibility to the world
6. How to know at what price you need to sell your art, in order to make a profit.

  • After reading this workbook or listening to these tapes, you will
    1. understand the big picture.
    2. see the steps you need to take.
    3. know where and how to start.

How do you prefer to learn? Whether you prefer to read or listen, this class provides your preferred format...AND if you have a question, knowing that you can get an answer directly from me will probably increase your comfort level with this new material. I know that I always feel MUCH more comfortable having someone to ask when I have questions!

Take advantage of this introductory offer. Purchase Business of Art Class Workbook & 4 Audio CDs:

Read the workbook
Make notes of your ideas
Tag the points you want to act on
Listen to the CDs. You can play them in your car while driving. You can play them in any CD player or in your computer.

Seize this priceless opportunity to benefit from my experience.

Read more comments by artists who took my class.                           See my credentials.

If you prefer to contact me by email, click here. Or you can phone me at 281-330-3827.

If you have questions about whether this class contains specific information, just ask me. I'll be glad to tell you whether those questions are answered in the class material.

I have been teaching this class in my Houston, TX studio since December, 2006. All of the questions that were asked in these live classes have been included in the workbook.

Now you can purchase the Business of Art Workbook and 4 Audio CD program  for $147 plus $10 Priority Mail to United States addresses. I will mail your order within 72 hours.
***If you live outside of the United States, please send me an email with your mailing address, so I can notify you of the correct postage. The Web Site, Traffic & Pricing information are valid anyplace in the world, but I do not know how publicity works outside of the US.

Sales tax will be added if the items are shipped to a Texas address.

Joy purchased the Workbook & CDs.

You can benefit from this information, even if you were not able to attend the class in person or if you do not live near Houston, TX..


Joy Cottrell of Spring, Texas, said:
"I'm listening to your first CD in my car. I just love it. It's clear & easy to hear.
Thanks to you, I'm convinced I can just do an inexpensive, simple web site---just to show my work.

Now I know I can and should start with a place to lead people just so they can see my work! And the advice to use my name & .com is invaluable.

Thank you so much for sharing this down-to-earth information, for sharing your mistakes, & for not sounding high & mighty perfect!! It gives us hope! I've just pretty-well skimmed everything, but I will study & re-read as time permits."

When you order the Business of Art Class

You will receive:
1. Workbook containing the described information & extensive online resources
2. 4 Audio CDs with the complete information from the workbook
3. Bonus #1: 3 CD set recording of an actual class
4. Bonus #2: 6 month membership in online support group

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Your cost for this valuable information is only $147 + $10 shipping.
Your Business of Art Workbook & 4 Audio CDs plus 3 bonus CDs will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail within 72 hours.

  • Are you are puzzled about how to show your work on the internet?

  • Do you have a web site, but little or no traffic?

  • Do you give your work away or sell it for prices that leave you discouraged? Know the price you need so you can position yourself to ask and receive that price. Most artists seriously undercharge for their work.

  • Do you want to increase your visibility and position yourself as a talented & recognized artist?

This class provides the answers. The information in this class will empower you to reach your goals for your art--whether you want to sell or simply to have your work seen.

IF you are selling your art and MAKING MONEY, you don't need this class,
BUT if you DON'T KNOW WHERE TO START, you DEFINITELY need this class.

IF YOU ARE SOMEPLACE IN BETWEEN, then the information in this class will be far more valuable to you than the money you will pay for the class.

What would it be worth to you to have the information you need? to be able to read? or listen in your car? and to have someone to turn to for answers to your questions?

If you feel that this information is what you need,
ORDER NOW and you will receive
1. Business of Art Class WORKBOOK
2. 4 Audio CDs with the complete information from the workbook
3. *Bonus #1: 3 CD set recorded in an actual class.
4. *Bonus #2:
One hour personal consultation with me to answer your questions and help you plan your web site, price your work, and/or fine tune your press release. You can email me when you have studied the guide book and listened to the audio and are ready to take the next steps.

Click the button to purchase the Business of Art Workbook & 4 Audio CDs plus bonuses using Paypal.

Your purchase amount is  $147 for  Art Business Class (bonuses included) + $10 Priority Mail.
Your order will be mailed USPS Priority Mail within 72 hours of the time I receive your payment.

Paypal will add Texas Sales tax if the items are shipped to a Texas address.

***You may purchase through Paypal whether or not you have a Paypal account.
If you do not have a Paypal account, you will simply enter your information.
You will be able to pay with a charge card or a check. Online checks take 5 business days to clear. Credit card payments clear almost immediately.
I will ship your order 72 hours of the time I receive your payment.

This offer is available ONLY to residents of the United States (including Hawaii & Alaska) & Canada.

If you prefer to ORDER BY MAIL, you can pay with a check.
Please make your check for $157 payable to Ann Bell if you live outside of Texas.
Texas residents, please include Texas sales tax. Make your check for $166.19

Mail your check and with your MAILING ADDRESS clearly printed to:
Ann Bell
2711 Main St. #114
Houston, TX 77002
I will mail your order via USPS Priority Mail when your check has cleared.

***NO SPECIFIC RESULTS are guaranteed. Results vary widely.
The only sure thing is that if you do not take action, nothing will happen.

Guarantee: I guarantee that if you read this workbook and listen to the  4 Audio CDs, you will have the information you need to be able to begin to show your work on the internet. You will understand how to price your work to increase your profits, and you will be able to begin taking advantage of free publicity. I cannot force you to take action. Many artists take no action to promote themselves. Every action you take puts you ahead. If you have questions, I provide answers at no additional charge,  through the online support group, where I answer every question personally.

If you have questions about whether this class contains specific information that you are seeking, please send me your specific questions and I will tell you whether those questions are answered in the class material.

PS. When we are dealing with totally new information, it is usually necessary to hear it several times before we really understand it and feel ready to act on it. That is why I have included the CDs as part of this you can play them when you are driving. I find the CDs to be actually more valuable than the book in most of the information courses I have purchased.




All images are copyrighted by the artist, Ann Schentrup Bell ©2003-2009.  For purchase or licensing information, please contact Ann Bell at 281-330-3827 or contact. Please do not copy or   use these images without permission. This site is updated regularly. If you notice an error or a link that doesn't work, please send me a message. Thanks.